Ancient Beauty

Harvest: May 2023
Origin: China / Yunnan / Pu'er / Lancang / Jingmaishan
Height: 1500 m.a.s.l
Tea plant varietal: Qiao Mu Da Ye Zhong (alte Teebäume)
50g / 21,60 CHF
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An Oriental Beauty produced from old tea trees (according to the tea farmer infested by insects) from Jingmaishan in Yunnan. Usually, Pu Er is made from the old tea trees in Yunnan. This tea now combines in a wonderful way the depth of the tea from old trees with the velvety-mellow sweetness of the Oriental Beauties. This sweetness nicely englobes the heavy sweetness of the Yunnan black teas, too. The Ancient Beauty hence beautifully shows how the area, tea plant varietal and the way of processing the tea together influence and make up for the specific taste.
Dark, heavy sweetness. A deep tea, a simple and warming companion.
Oriental Beauty (Dong Fang Mei Ren)
This tea was heavily oxidized, it can thus be kept at room temperature and even be aged.
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